You at EPICWOMAN - get your ticket.
Succeed like a woman.
April 28 - 30, 2022

Soul + Sisterhood + Strategic Success.

Imagine attending a conference where you can be yourself, let your guard down and get the support you need to help grow your business?

Epic soul requires epic sisterhood. 
We accept that men and women have different needs in a lot of areas in life. So why don’t we accept it in business? 

Why do we expect women entrepreneurs to work the same way as men? And while we’re at it, why the hell would we want to work the same way as men?

I’m not afraid to say it: Women are fucking incredible. We lead with power and purpose—while staying open to others’ advice. We listen and learn—while honoring our own voices by speaking up on the things we care about. We courageously follow the path towards our own calling—while supporting the other women who travel along that path beside us.

None of that "I don't need help," bullshit. None of that cutthroat corporate competition. That’s not how women succeed. 

We succeed with community. We succeed with sisterhood

Stop trying to do everything on your own. Even if you think you’re doing fine by yourself—just imagine how much more you could achieve with the support, wisdom, and lived experiences of other women who have done what you’re doing right now. 

PLUS… you’re a leader in your own right. The gifts you were born with, the skills you’ve spent so long honing, the education, the student loans, the experience you’ve gained—all of that is so valuable to this community of women entrepreneurs. 

What I’m saying is, when it comes to joining a sisterhood of women business owners, coaches, experts, and leaders… 

If you think you have nothing worth gaining, you’re wrong.

 If you think you have nothing worth giving, you’re even more wrong.

Don’t believe me? Give us three days to prove it.

This is not business as usual.

You can be a woman, build a profitable brand and keep you sanity in tact.
This love note is for those of you who don't like to read long pages, you can also watch the video ;)

LOVE NOTE: Come for the transformation of yourself, your clarity and your business growth. At EPICWOMAN you'll know how to get more clients within 30-days with any size audience or list authentically. The pieces that you have "all over the place" right now, will fall into the right sequence. And yes, you'll be inspired, connect with others and learn from Experts who are doing what they teach.
No theory, no pie in the sky BS. Let your hair down...


There's a reason you're here. Something is not working the way you want it - and it has little to do with business at all.

....and everything to do with your personal alignment with self.
(then the business)

All those old-school business and marketing resources are products of a male-dominated environment. They’re either outdated or they feel "icky" and, let’s be real, they weren't created with you in mind

BUT… that doesn’t mean you’re not cut out for entrepreneurship. It just means you need a new methodology - for you.

You need a strategy that will let you make money without sacrificing the people and things you love "for the sake of the business."  And there are a lot of people out there who will tell you that’s impossible. 

Those people are wrong about you. They are choosing that for themselves.

You can choose differently.

Yeah, you’re ambitious. You want to break generational cycles of struggle. You’re ready to do whatever it takes to succeed. 

But you also have a strong, beautiful, and unique soul. It would be a damn shame to hide that. And guess what else? 

The right people—the clients you’re meant to serve, the mentors you’re meant to follow, the peers you’re meant to connect with—won’t ask you to to hide that. In fact, they want you just the way you are.

Who Should Attend:

Life and Business Coaches 

Subject Matter Experts

Public Speakers


Leaders who want full freedom in every way - revenue, femininity, and flow

You. This is for YOU sis.

EPICWOMEN spill the tea...
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What you'll learn::

Remove any blocks/limitations/guilt that's standing in your way 

How to create the framework to your brand so revenue is as predictable for you as it is for us

How to be more strategic with building a stronger presence online 

How to be more naturally more influential so your attract more of "your people"

How to sell more of your products and services during a pandemic or not

How to take control of your numbers so you can be more intentional with how you deliver on your services 

AND the answers to the questions you don't know to ask! 

Bring your table sis, we got your seat. 
If there’s one word that could truly sum up EPICCON, it’s transformative. This isn’t an event you’ll forget about the following week. It’s a soul-centered experience that will give you tools and strategies to create real, long-lasting positive change—not only in your business, but in the lives of your clients.
Access to all general sessions PLUS...
Bonus VIP Day
In Person Ticket
4/28/2022 - 4/30/2022
Access to all general sessions
I love connecting women together - I've learned that in the right rooms, we thrive and expand beyond anything we even imagined.

This shit's gonna be EPIC and if you "tap in" your life will never f*ckin' be the same. 
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Aprille Franks, Event Producer

© 2022 All Rights Reserved | Aprille & Co.
